Friday, September 28, 2012


Nedavno sam bila u Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt gdje prodaju replike originalnih naslovnica casopisa Svijet.
Svijet je ilustrirani tjednik ciji je prvi broj izasao cak 6. veljace 1926., a naslovnice je ilustrirao Otto Antonini. Antonini je akademski slikar, ilustrator, graficar i dizajner rodjen u Zagrebu 1892. godine.
Njegove ilustracije opisuju duh vremena dvadesetih godina 20-og stoljeca (razdoblje od 1926. do 1932.)
Ovo je moj primjerak, ilustracija je prekrasna, a jos samo fali "zlatni" izlizani okvir sa Hrelica. To je broj 5, izdan 31.1.1931. godine. :)

"Svijet" is an illustrated magazine, published in Croatia. First number came out in 1926. and illustrations are made by Otto Antonini. Here is the printed cover that I bought.

Ovo su jos neke ilustracije za naslovnice Svijeta:
Ottos artwork:

Art fairs, new jewelry, creative October!

Bikezaar je prošao..bilo je super, suncano vrijeme, zmajevi na nebu, a mi smo uzivali na Petrinoj dekici, iako mi je ostatak dana glava bila kao balon od silnog vjetra. I spavalo mi se već u pola 12. :)
Hvala svima koji ste nas posjetili!
Uskoro se blizi 6.10. i Bazaar u Kvartu, pa 14.10. KvartArt u kulturnom klubu O'GRADA. Kreativni vikendi u desetom mjesecu su popunjeni i bas se veselim.
Evo fotke od zadnjih radova, a od sada mozete Gipsy Magic pratiti i na Fb.

Here are some photos of my latest work and also you can find Gipsy Magic on Fb, enjoy :**

Sunday, September 16, 2012


This Saturday is fair in & in front of the club Mocvara in Zagreb. It is also a Car Free Day, so you're welcome to come with bike :) 
I'm going with my friend, who also makes unique jewelry & we are planning to place our handmade things there. Also hope to find some parts for my bike that I'm trying to remake. :)
While I was making some other things today, I found old wooden coasters. Here is what I did with them. :)

                                          Girls made from wooden coasters.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Raining In Paradise

Last few days I moved my laptop in to the kitchen because I was studying.
Result was that I made some new stuff,  all in one day!
I'm more productive since mr. Laptop moved out of my room, nothing interferes me.
I discovered lot of unused wood pieces on my balcony and also few pieces of parquete that left after we were redecorating. So I used them, love to recycle!

Here are the pictures of my lates work, enjoy :*

ps: TV was made from paper 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Only one more week and my exams are finally finished, after that I'll put pictures of new jewelry that I made.
Meanwhile Red Hot Chili Peppers are in town and having a performance, my sister Sara is there right now. 
It was too hot last days.. here is how my dog Rem cools himself down! :)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

MUHEr part 3

This paper made fly is the first thing I did long time ago, in high school.
Last year I made one for my friend, birthday present.
Other friend orderd few flies to make her home warm and happy and the litlle flies factory began working :)
Some of this photos are taken in culture club O'GRADA where I had exhibition.

Here is the link to my website where you can see full galery, and link to my page on facebook:

MUHEr official site

MUHEr on facebook


It's Not Easy Being Green

MUHEr part 2

Necklaces & Earrings.
Flies in Croatia are called MUHE, name mystery solved! :)